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Did you know essential oils were created using natural plants that help heal our bodies naturally. Aromatherapy is used for both physical and mental healing. Essential oil therapy is becoming more popular as people realize that western medicine is creating more problems than solving health problems today. Today, people are taking control of their own health management instead of relying on doctors who just treat conditions instead of digging deep to find the root cause of their health problem. Essential oils are used in hospitals, offices, stores to make a more relaxing atmosphere.

Aromatherapy goes back to at least 4000 B.C.E, when Neolithic people made ointments by combining vegetable oils with aromatic plants. Around 3000 B.C.E, the use of odoriferous herbs were recorded, by papyrus by the Egyptians and on clay tablets in Mesopotamia and Babylonia.

If you are interested in improving your health and everyday living, naturally, check out my site with Young Living Oils at: Youngliving

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